• 300 steps check: Displays up to 300 previous calculation steps.
• Recheck function: The recheck function allows confirmation of errors by sound when checking calculations. If the user presses an incorrect key when performing a second calculation to check calculation results, a buzzer sounds to alert the user of the error.
• Solar & Battery: Solar powered when light is sufficient, battery powered when light is insufficient.
• Function command signs: A symbol (+, -, ×, ÷) on the display indicates the status of operation you are currently performing.
• Rounding selector: F: Floating decimals. CUT: Values are cut off. UP: Values are rounded up. 5/4: Values are rounded off.
• Decimal selector: 4,3,2,1,0 : Specifies the number of decimal places as 4,3,2,1,0. ADD2: 2 decimal places are assumed for entries and results of all addition and subtraction operations.
• Key rollover: Key operations are stored in a buffer, so nothing is lost even during high-speed input.
• Extra Large display: Larger display makes more data easier to read.
• Plastic keys: Designed and engineered for easy operation.
• Localized number display: Displays numbers in four digit separator formats(Type A, Type B, Type C and Indian).
• Mark-up: All the mark-up capabilities of an adding machine for simplified cost and profit calculations.